
Amárach Life Online Report

Page history last edited by Ciarán Holahan 16 years, 7 months ago

The Daily Life of Ireland's 2 Million Internet Users -  Amárach Research Report 2008


Amárach Research has been tracking internet and technology usage in Ireland since 1998. The past ten years has seen a sixfold

fold increase in the number of adults using the net: from a little over 300,000 in 1998 to more than two million today. This

Amárach Research report looks at how the internet continues to transform the lives of the majority of Irish adults, and anticipates

some of the changes to come.

A number of key ‘Internet milestones’ have been passed in recent years, including:

  • the majority of adults using the net (in 2006)
  • the majority of households having internet access (also 2006)
  • the majority of internet access households using broadband (2007)


Looking ahead, we can anticipate passing other milestones, including:

  •  the majority of households having broadband access (est. 2009)
  •  the majority of adults using 3G (and faster) mobile broadband (est. 2010)


Older People and life online

The report states that older internet users (55 to 65s) are likely to lead the take up of VOIP technologies such as Skype and book flights online more than any other age category.


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