
Madrid Plan of International Action on Ageing

Page history last edited by Ciarán Holahan 16 years, 2 months ago
The Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (MIPAA), adopted at the Second World Assembly on Ageing, is the first international agreement that specifically recognises the potential of older people to contribute to the development of their societies.  It commits more than 160 governments to include ageing in all social and economic development policies. 


The Madrid Plan lists 33 objectives and 117 recommendations, grouped into three priorities:


  1. older people and development
  2. advancing health and wellbeing into old age
  3. ensuring enabling and supportive environments.


Together, the priorities cover 18 areas of concern to older people. The Plan concludes with a section on implementation and follow-up. An accompanying Political Declaration summarises the key issues and commitments by governments that are detailed in the Plan. It is intended that the Plan is used as a practical tool to help policy makers focus on the key priorities associated with individual and population ageing.


A key part of the accompanying Political Declaration reads: "We commit ourselves to eliminate all forms of discrimination, including age discrimination. We also recognise that persons, as they age, should enjoy a life of fulfilment, health, security and active participation in the economic, social, cultural and political life of their societies.  We are determined to enhance the recognition of the dignity of older persons, and to eliminate all forms of neglect, abuse and violence."


A five-year review of implementation of MIPAA took place in February 2008.


Read more about the MPIAA on HelpAge International's website.


Access this document on the United Nation's website.


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