
The Quality of Life Strategy for Camden's Older Citizens

Page history last edited by Ciarán Holahan 16 years, 5 months ago

Author:                      London Borough of Camden

Publisher:                  London Borough of Camden

Date of publication:   May 2002


The strategic aim is to improve and maintain the quality of life of Camden’s older citizens by demonstrating how agencies will work together and with older people to promote and provide healthy living activities, sustain people’s independence and promote positive views of ageing.


The strategy currently focuses on services and activities that affect older people’s quality of life and which exist outside the health and social care framework.The collaboration with health and social care services is essential and these links are being explored through projects such as Wellbeing, the proactive outreach service for people over 75. It is intended that the central aim and guiding principles of the strategy will be applied to any service that an older person in Camden may come into contact with.


The strategy aims to co-ordinate and build on current provision of services to older people which aim to improve their quality of life.The focus is not on commissioning new initiatives but on consolidating and developing what currently exists. Partners will continue to work with older people to identify gaps in service and


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